No woman who ever graced this planet cared more about those that she loved and called a friend than Carolyn. She was the lifelong love of her husband, Rich, with whom she shared 44 years of friendship, love and devotion. The highlight of their life together was the gift of an adored daughter, Christin, who in so many ways is her mother’s daughter.
Kind and gentle, caring and warm, Carolyn was beautiful on the outside and deep within her soul. In all she did, she was determined to make a difference and was widely respected for her genuine interest in, and concern for, others. A word many have used to describe her was “authentic.”
Her loss, in such a tragic and senseless way, is beyond our ability to understand. We will never fully recover. Yet, Rich and Christin are determined that the impact she made in her much too short a time with us must continue. In her memory, we are committed to advancing the types of causes that she so passionately cared about and supported.
Carolyn always signed her text messages and emails to Rich and Christin (and many family members and friends) with the most precious of endings — “Luv u.” That sign-off for Carolyn was always special, always heartfelt, and they immediately thought her loving words should be the basis of our efforts to move forward through this tremendous loss and to remember her—by helping others as she so selflessly did throughout her life. Accordingly, Christin and Rich have established The Luv u Project, in memory of Carolyn C. Mattingly.
Contributions to The Luv u Project, a 501(c) (3) public charity, are tax deductible under section 170 of the IRS code. All of the work to establish The Luv u Project has been done pro-bono, and we are eternally grateful to those that have helped bring this loving effort to life. In the coming months, The Luv u Project will continue to evolve, and will in all it does remain dedicated to the highest of standards and accountability.
Now, we invite others who loved Carolyn or who share her belief that good people can make a difference to join us in our commitment to continue her projects and, at the same time, keep her memory alive.
Initially, our mission will be focused on areas that Carolyn actively embraced and volunteered her time to support. They include: youth athletic programs, in honor of Carolyn’s years as a parent, coach and high school booster chair; and a range of vital women’s issues, including women’s prison re-entry programs, in honor of Carolyn’s years of service as Commissioner and past Chair of the Maryland Commission for Women and as a member of the National Association of Women Judges: Women Moving Forward Conference. We will also look to support programs that help parents and families with sick or troubled relatives, especially children—a deep concern of Carolyn’s that evolved from decades as her husband’s soul mate and partner in the fight against cystic fibrosis.
In addition to the causes that Carolyn championed, we are closely evaluating several others that are significant to society and that are relevant to our story, especially the need to better understand and address mental health issues.
We hope that you will become a part of The Luv u Project. We need you, and as she so often told us, “others need you.”
If you would like to join Carolyn’s family as we embrace this important commitment, please contact us at: [email protected]
We intend to continue the type of work that she started. Along the way, we also aspire to genuinely motivate and inspire others to follow in her footsteps and care — about volunteering, learning and, most of all, making a difference.
We shall keep her memory alive and her presence in our hearts.
We luv u, Carolyn, and miss you so much!
March 2015