We are proud to announce the inaugural Carolyn C. Mattingly Award for Mental Health in the Workplace (Mattingly Award). This important new initiative will actively recognize organizations wishing to embrace and enhance mental health. Applications will open in January 2022.
The idea for the new award was developed at a 2016 symposium held at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, funded by The Luv u Project.
Recognizing that workplace mental health efforts are most effective when they follow evidence-based practices and are embedded within a culture of health and well-being, we established the Mattingly Award to recognize and celebrate exemplary organizations that advance the mental health and well-being of their employees.
Why start a new award program? Mental and behavioral health challenges affect 1 in 4 adults worldwide. Given that most awake time in adulthood is spent at work, the workplace is an ideal setting for promoting good mental health and well-being. Importantly for employers, supporting a healthy workforce culture, particularly one that is psychologically healthy, can also drive productivity, improve attendance, produce long-term health care cost savings, and attract and retain top talent.
Starting in January 2022, employers across the United States and Canada will be able to submit applications for consideration of the Mattingly Award, free of charge.
Award winners will be recognized in November 2022, at The Luv u Project Celebration, in the metro Washington DC area.
Learn more about the award here.