In its September 2017 issue, the Journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses contains an article entitled Mental Health in the Workplace, which highlights the work of The Luv u Project.
The article states “An initiative geared to addressing mental health issues in the workplace is the Luv u Project, established by the family of Carolyn C. Mattingly. The Luv u Project, in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, establish a center of excellence intended to improve mental health in the workplace by developing resources, promoting applied research, sharing best practices, and providing policy guidance.”
The article was co-authored by Jacqueline Agnew, MPH, Ph.D., RN, COHN-S, FAAN. Dr. Agnew is a member of The Luv u Project’s Workplace Mental Health Advisory Council, established through our alliance with JHBSPH.
Mental health disorders can have a serious impact on workers’ well-being and job success.
Read the full article here.