Between 30-50% of adults in the U.S. experience a mental illness at some point in their lives, and 63% of Americans participate in the labor force. This makes the workplace a critical environment for addressing mental health.
WELCOA (the Wellness Council of America) is one of the nation’s most-respected resources for building high-performing, healthy workplaces. It has a 30-year history and more than 5,000 corporate members.
In producing the toolkit, WELCOA partnered with The Luv u Project and Prudential Financial, one of the nation’s most respected corporations. Sara Martin Rauch, MS, WELCOA’s Director of Strategy and Planning, and Andrew Crighton MD, CPE Prudential’s Vice President and Chief Medical Officer are both members of The Luv u Project’s Workplace Mental Health Advisory Council, established though our alliance with the John Hopkins School of Public Health.
You can access the entire toolkit on the WELCOA website, free of charge, or use the below links to view individual assets.